Acupuncture with lumbar area moxibustion is demonstrated on a patient. Warm needle acupuncture using moxibustion


Controlled clinical studies find acupuncture effective for the treatment of lumbar disc herniations. Manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and warm needle acupuncture were among the techniques that produced significant positive patient outcomes. The following studies test the efficacy of acupuncture techniques and specific acupoint prescriptions.

A Guangzhou Huadu District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital clinical study entitled Clinical observation on treatment of 67 cases with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with abdomen acupuncture finds acupuncture highly effective (Zeng). Two different acupuncture point prescriptions were compared. The treatment group receiving the abdominal acupuncture protocol achieved a 95.5% total effective rate. The standard body style acupuncture treatment protocol achieved an 86.% total effective rate. [1] 

from Acupuncture and Herbs News and Research

Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinics